vzniknúť, vyplynúť
Infinitive | ariseC1 |
Past Simple | arose |
Past Participle | arisen |
put – put – put
1. Forma: Sloveso arise – prítomný čas jednoduchý
Similar situations may arise in the nearest future.
Podobné situácie môžu vzniknúť v najbližšej budúcnosti.
This argument arises every time I try to negotiate a higher salary.
Táto hádka vzniká zakaždým, keď sa snažím vyjednať si vyššiu výplatu.
2. Forma: sloveso arose – minulý čas jednoduchý
Further problems arose when the customers made a complaint to the management.
Ďalšie problémy vyplynuli z toho, keď zákazníci podali sťažnosť manažmentu.
3. Forma: sloveso arisen – minulé príčastie
Such cases have never arisen before.
Takéto prípady nikdy predtým nevznikali.
Do you realise what problems might have arisen if they hadn’t signed the agreement?
Uvedomujete si, aké problémy mohli vzniknúť, ak by nepodpísali dohodu?
4. Forma: sloveso arising – prítomný čas priebehový
A lot of new businesses are arising all over the region.
V celom regióne vzniká množstvo nových podnikov.
arose, arisen, aris·ing.
vzniknúť, vyplynúť.
appear | begin | crop up |
emerge | occur | rise |
mount | rise | soar |
cause | disappear | end |
decline | drop | fall |
Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob
Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý
I arise
you arise
he/she/it arises
we arise
they arise
you arise
Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý
I arose
you arose
he/she/it arose
we arose
they arose
you arose
Future simple
Budúci čas jednoduchý
I will arise
you will arise
he/she/it will arise
we will arise
they will arise
you will arise
Perfect – perfektívum
Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý
I have arisen
you have arisen
he/she/it has arisen
we have arisen
they have arisen
you have arisen
Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý
I had arisen
you had arisen
he/she/it had arisen
we had arisen
they had arisen
you had arisen
Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý
I will have arisen
you will have arisen
he/she/it will have arisen
we will have arisen
they will have arisen
you will have arisen
Continuous – priebehový čas
Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový
I am arising
you are arising
he/she/it is arising
we are arising
they are arising
you are arising
Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový
I was arising
you were arising
he/she/it was arising
we were arising
they were arising
you were arising
Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový
I will be arising
you will be arising
he/she/it will be arising
we will be arising
they will be arising
you will be arising
Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas
Present perfect cont.
Predprítomný čas priebehový
I have been arising
you have been arising
he/she/it has been arising
we have been arising
they have been arising
you have been arising
Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový
I had been arising
you had been arising
he/she/it had been arising
we had been arising
they had been arising
you had been arising
Future perfect cont.
Predbudúci čas priebehový
I will have been arising
you will have been arising
he/she/it will have been arising
we will have been arising
they will have been arising
you will have been arising
Conditional – Podmieňovací spôsob
Conditional present
I would arise
you would arise
he/she/it would arise
we would arise
they would arise
you would arise
Conditional perfect
I would have arisen
you would have arisen
he/she/it would have arisen
we would have arisen
they would have arisen
you would have arisen
Conditional present progressive
I would be arising
you would be arising
he/she/it would be arising
we would be arising
they would be arising
you would be arising
Conditional perfect progressive
I would have been arising
you would have been arising
he/she/it would have been arising
we would have been arising
they would have been arising
you would have been arising
you arise
we Let’s arise
you arise
you don’t arise
we don’t arise
you don’t arise