stratiť, prísť o
Infinitive | loseA2 |
Past Simple | lost |
Past Participle | lost |
put – put – put
1. Forma: Sloveso lose – prítomný čas jednoduchý
Tom very quickly loses his mood when you mention his ex-wife.
Tom veľmi rýchlo stráca náladu, keď spomenieš jeho bývalú ženu.
In this game you lose points when you don´t make quick decisions.
V tejto hre strácaš body, keď nespravíš rýchle rozhodnutia.
2. Forma: sloveso lost – minulý čas jednoduchý
They raised their price by 30% and lost a lot of customers.
Zvýšli cenu o 30% a stratili veľa zákazníkov.
Andy lost her parents in a car accident.
Andy prišiel o rodičov pri autonehode.
3. Forma: sloveso lost – minulé príčastie
Oh, sweetie. I´ve lost my wallet.
Oh, zlatíčko. Stratila som peňaženku.
Do you really want to go hiking in these sandals? Have you lost your mind?
Naozaj chceš ísť na turistiku v týchto sandáloch? Prišiel si o rozum?
4. Forma: sloveso losing – prítomný čas priebehový
I´m worried about grandpa. He´s losing touch with reality.
Bojím sa o dedka. Stráca kontakt s realitou.
We´re losing a lot of customers. We may soon go out of business.
Strácame veľa zákazníkov. Čoskoro môžeme skončiť.
(used with object), lost, los·ing.
(používa sa s predmetom), stratiť.
drop | fail | forget |
give up | suffer | waste |
decline | drop | fall |
clear | dodge | duck |
fight | save | win |
ascend | go up | rise |
confront | encounter | face |
Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob
Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý
I lose
you lose
he/she/it loses
we lose
they lose
you lose
Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý
I lost
you lost
he/she/it lost
we lost
they lost
you lost
Future simple
Budúci čas jednoduchý
I will lose
you will lose
he/she/it will lose
we will lose
they will lose
you will lose
Perfect – perfektívum
Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý
I have lost
you have lost
he/she/it has lost
we have lost
they have lost
you have lost
Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý
I had lost
you had lost
he/she/it had lost
we had lost
they had lost
you had lost
Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý
I will have lost
you will have lost
he/she/it will have lost
we will have lost
they will have lost
you will have lost
Continuous – priebehový čas
Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový
I am losing
you are losing
he/she/it is losing
we are losing
they are losing
you are losing
Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový
I was losing
you were losing
he/she/it was losing
we were losing
they were losing
you were losing
Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový
I will be losing
you will be losing
he/she/it will be losing
we will be losing
they will be losing
you will be losing
Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas
Present perfect cont.
Predprítomný čas priebehový
I have been losing
you have been losing
he/she/it has been losing
we have been losing
they have been losing
you have been losing
Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový
I had been losing
you had been losing
he/she/it had been losing
we had been losing
they had been losing
you had been losing
Future perfect cont.
Predbudúci čas priebehový
I will have been losing
you will have been losing
he/she/it will have been losing
we will have been losing
they will have been losing
you will have been losing
Conditional – Podmieňovací spôsob
Conditional present
I would lose
you would lose
he/she/it would lose
we would lose
they would lose
you would lose
Conditional perfect
I would have lost
you would have lost
he/she/it would have lost
we would have lost
they would have lost
you would have lost
Conditional present progressive
I would be losing
you would be losing
he/she/it would be losing
we would be losing
they would be losing
you would be losing
Conditional perfect progressive
I would have been losing
you would have been losing
he/she/it would have been losing
we would have been losing
they would have been losing
you would have been losing
you lose
we Let’s lose
you lose
you don’t lose
we don’t lose
you don’t lose