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Nepravidelné sloveso quit

skončiť, prestať, ukončiť

Infinitive quitB1
Past Simple quit; quitted
Past Participle quit; quitted

put – put – put

Nepravidelné sloveso quit

Vety s nepravidelným slovesom quit

1. Forma: Sloveso quit – prítomný čas jednoduchý

Martina quits smoking at the beginning of each year. It´s always her New Year´s resolution.

Martina prestáva fajčiť na začiatku každého roka. Je to vždy jej novoročné predsavzatie.

2. Forma: sloveso quit; quitted – minulý čas jednoduchý

I was a passionate chess player when I was at school but when I went to university I quit; quitted.

Bol som vášnivý šachista, keď som bol v škole, ale keď som išiel na univerzitu, tak som skončil.

3. Forma: sloveso quit, quitted – minulé príčastie

Peter used to smoke a lot but he´s recently quit; quitted.

Peter zvykol veľa fajčiť, ale nedávno prestal.

4. Forma: sloveso quitting – prítomný čas priebehový

I am quitting ballet. I am fed up with thirty hours of practise a week.

Končím s baletom. Mám dosť tridsiatich hodín trénovania týždenne.

Definícia nepravidelného slovesa quit



quit, quit·ing.

  • leave (a place), usually permanently.
  • „I quit my job last week.“




  • opustiť (miesto), zvyčajne natrvalo.
  • „Skončil som v práci minulý týždeň.“

Synonymá slovesa quit (vo význame „abandon, leave“)

depart drop drop out
give up pull out retire

Synonymá slovesa quit (vo význame „stop doing something“)

abandon break off conclude
drop suspend withdraw

Antonymá slovesa quit (vo význame „abandon, leave“)

allow begin continue

Antonymá slovesa quit (vo význame „stop doing something“)

begin carry on go

Časovanie nepravidelného slovesa quit

Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob

Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý

I quit

you quit

he/she/it quits

we quit

they quit

you quit

Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý

I quit; quitted

you quit; quitted

he/she/it quit; quitted

we quit; quitted

they quit; quitted

you quit; quitted

Future simple
Budúci čas jednoduchý

I will quit

you will quit

he/she/it will quit

we will quit

they will quit

you will quit


Perfect – perfektívum

Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý

I have quit; quitted

you have quit; quitted

he/she/it has quit; quitted

we have quit; quitted

they have quit; quitted

you have quit; quitted

Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý

I had quit; quitted

you had quit; quitted

he/she/it had quit; quitted

we had quit; quitted

they had quit; quitted

you had quit; quitted

Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý

I will have quit; quitted

you will have quit; quitted

he/she/it will have quit; quitted

we will have quit; quitted

they will have quit; quitted

you will have quit; quitted


Continuous – priebehový čas

Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový

I am quitting

you are quitting

he/she/it is quitting

we are quitting

they are quitting

you are quitting

Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový

I was quitting

you were quitting

he/she/it was quitting

we were quitting

they were quitting

you were quitting

Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový

I will be quitting

you will be quitting

he/she/it will be quitting

we will be quitting

they will be quitting

you will be quitting


Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas

Present perfect cont.
Predprítomný čas priebehový

I have been quitting

you have been quitting

he/she/it has been quitting

we have been quitting

they have been quitting

you have been quitting

Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový

I had been quitting

you had been quitting

he/she/it had been quitting

we had been quitting

they had been quitting

you had been quitting

Future perfect cont.
Predbudúci čas priebehový

I will have been quitting

you will have been quitting

he/she/it will have been quitting

we will have been quitting

they will have been quitting

you will have been quitting


Conditional – Podmieňovací spôsob

Conditional present

I would quit

you would quit

he/she/it would quit

we would quit

they would quit

you would quit

Conditional perfect

I would have quit; quitted

you would have quit; quitted

he/she/it would have quit; quitted

we would have quit; quitted

they would have quit; quitted

you would have quit; quitted

Conditional present progressive

I would be quitting

you would be quitting

he/she/it would be quitting

we would be quitting

they would be quitting

you would be quitting

Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been quitting

you would have been quitting

he/she/it would have been quitting

we would have been quitting

they would have been quitting

you would have been quitting

Imperative – Rozkazovací spôsob


you quit

we Let’s quit

you quit


you don’t quit

we don’t quit

you don’t quit