spadnúť, padať, klesnúť
Infinitive | fallA2 |
Past Simple | fell |
Past Participle | fallen |
put – put – put
1. Forma: Sloveso fall – prítomný čas jednoduchý
Flat prices will probably fall next year.
Budúci rok budú ceny bytov pravdepodobne klesať.
Don´t fall off that ladder!
Nespadni z toho rebríka!
If you keep pushing me, I´ll fall down the stairs!
Spadnem zo schodov, ak budeš pokračovať v tlačení!
2. Forma: sloveso fell – minulý čas jednoduchý
I slipped on a banana skin and fell over.
Pošmykol/pošmykla som sa na banánovej šupke a spadol/spadla som.
When night fell, we put up our tents.
Keď padla noc, postavili sme naše stany.
3. Forma: sloveso fallen – minulé príčastie
The number of people using PCs has fallen by 30% in recent years.
Počet ľudí, ktorí používajú počítače, klesol v posledných rokoch o 30%.
If he´d had better boots, he wouldn’t have fallen off that rock.
Keby mal lepšie topánky, nespadol by z tej skaly.
4. Forma: sloveso falling – prítomný čas priebehový
The number of people smoking cigarettes is falling.
Počet ľudí, ktorí fajčia cigarety klesá.
(used without object), fell, fallen, fall·ing.
(používané bez predmetu), spadnúť, klesnúť.
collapse | crash | decline |
dive | go down | slip |
die | drop | give up |
go down | slump | bend |
become | occur | take place |
ascend | compliment | expand |
ascend | increase | rise |
advance | ascend | climb |
Indicative – Oznamovací spôsob
Present simple
Prítomný čas jednoduchý
I fall
you fall
he/she/it falls
we fall
they fall
you fall
Past simple
Minulý čas jednoduchý
I fell
you fell
he/she/it fell
we fell
they fell
you fell
Future simple
Budúci čas jednoduchý
I will fall
you will fall
he/she/it will fall
we will fall
they will fall
you will fall
Perfect – perfektívum
Present perfect
Predprítomný čas jednoduchý
I have fallen
you have fallen
he/she/it has fallen
we have fallen
they have fallen
you have fallen
Past perfect
Predminulý čas jednoduchý
I had fallen
you had fallen
he/she/it had fallen
we had fallen
they had fallen
you had fallen
Future perfect
Predbudúci čas jednoduchý
I will have fallen
you will have fallen
he/she/it will have fallen
we will have fallen
they will have fallen
you will have fallen
Continuous – priebehový čas
Present continuous
Prítomný čas priebehový
I am falling
you are falling
he/she/it is falling
we are falling
they are falling
you are falling
Past continuous
Minulý čas priebehový
I was falling
you were falling
he/she/it was falling
we were falling
they were falling
you were falling
Future continuous
Budúci čas priebehový
I will be falling
you will be falling
he/she/it will be falling
we will be falling
they will be falling
you will be falling
Perfect Continuous – perfektívny priebehový čas
Present perfect cont.
Predprítomný čas priebehový
I have been falling
you have been falling
he/she/it has been falling
we have been falling
they have been falling
you have been falling
Past perfect continuous
Predminulý čas priebehový
I had been falling
you had been falling
he/she/it had been falling
we had been falling
they had been falling
you had been falling
Future perfect cont.
Predbudúci čas priebehový
I will have been falling
you will have been falling
he/she/it will have been falling
we will have been falling
they will have been falling
you will have been falling
Conditional – Podmieňovací spôsob
Conditional present
I would fall
you would fall
he/she/it would fall
we would fall
they would fall
you would fall
Conditional perfect
I would have fallen
you would have fallen
he/she/it would have fallen
we would have fallen
they would have fallen
you would have fallen
Conditional present progressive
I would be falling
you would be falling
he/she/it would be falling
we would be falling
they would be falling
you would be falling
Conditional perfect progressive
I would have been falling
you would have been falling
he/she/it would have been falling
we would have been falling
they would have been falling
you would have been falling
you fall
we Let’s fall
you fall
you don’t fall
we don’t fall
you don’t fall